‘Razia got trapped by goons!’ Lion surrounded by a herd of buffaloes, climbed a tree to escape, barely saved his life

‘Razia got trapped by goons!’ Lion surrounded by a herd of buffaloes, climbed a tree to escape, barely saved his life

There is a song in the Bollywood film ‘Thank You’, ‘Razia got trapped in goons!’ These lyrics also fit the jungle and wild animals. You will ask how? Just like in films, the hero or heroine gets trapped among goons and then tries to escape from them, the same happens with animals too, when they are surrounded by enemies and then try their best to save their lives. Recently a video is going viral (Lion cub escape from buffaloes) in which a young lion also gets surrounded by a herd of wild buffaloes and then climbs a tree to escape. After that, he saves his life with great difficulty.

Surprising videos related to animals are often posted on the YouTube channel Latest Sightings. Recently, a shocking video related to a lion and a buffalo has been posted, in which a fight between the two is seen. This video is from the forest of South Africa and has been shot by a wildlife photographer named Nick Andrew.

Buffaloes surround the lion cub

In the viral video, you can see that as soon as a lion cub sees a herd of buffaloes, it runs and stands on a broken tree. Then the rest of the buffaloes come and surround it. The size of those buffaloes is so big that the lion looks like a child in front of them. For some time, a buffalo keeps looking at the lion. Then it attacks the tree with its strong head and the branch on which the lion is present breaks. As soon as the branch breaks, the lion runs away from there with its tail between its legs and thus saves its life.

The video is going viral
This video has received 28 lakh views while many people have given their reactions by commenting. One said that this child must have learned the lesson that one should not go too far away from his herd. One said that if that tree had fallen on the buffalo, it could have also been hurt. One said that lions and buffalos are big enemies of each other.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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